Emergency Management

Homeland Security

Training & Exercises

Continuity of Operations

Risk Management

ntb group provides a full range of emergency management services for local, state and federal government agencies.


Our Emergency Management team consists of Certified Emergency Managers (CEM) and certified by their respective state's agencies.


ntb group is a leader in homeland security solutions for federal, state and local jurisdictions.


Our experienced team has been on the front-lines of homeland security. We have trained agencies across the US and responded to major incidents.

Being prepared means training and exercises. ntb group's training team are more than experts in their fields; they are also experts in education.

Our exercise team can craft, manage, and run simple tabletop exercises or complex, full-scale exercises.

Be on top of your game with ntb group.

ntb group has developed Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP) for federal, state, and local entities as well as for major corporations.


A COOP plan keeps your organization operating and helps you to resume normal operations after a disaster.

ntb group is your risk management partner. We conduct comprehensive risk and threat analyses, develop full risk mitigation programs, and have the experience and expertise to implement these programs in organizations of any size.


Cyber threats are the number one threat facing the US in coming years. Viruses, hacks, trojans, and malware are the tip of the iceberg. ntb group's technology professionals can handle any threat, intrusion, or hack and keep your IT infrastructure secure.

Intelligence, Investigation, and Tactical Operations

ntb group's tactical , investigations, and intelligence professionals come from some of America's elite agencies and defense units. We can train your personnel or augment your teams with our expertise.

Contact our professionals today at 772-538-1921 or email us at info@ntb-group.com

(c) 2017 ntb group, LLC
all rights reserved